What do you get when you combine the sizzling trend of personalization with vanity, exclusivity and style? very profitable venture indeed.
Be a Bag was born in 2001 as a 3 month charitable promotion by well known British Handbag Designer, Anya Hindmarch with a portion of profits going to Breast Cancer Research.Links
The idea was an immediate and sensational success with customers and the media worldwide. Hindmarch extended the concept to be a permanent part of her business. Be a Bag now offers 12 unique styles and is bagging a ton of cash.
In her own words, Anya says "whatever cherished image you wish to Be a Bag, you can expect a gorgeous, memorable and above all, fun accessory. Be a Bag is offered in Hindmarch's stores and of course on the Internet.
As Andy Warhol predicted with "15 minutes of fame", hundreds of millions of individuals are craving having a character in a novel named after them, or adorning their car with personalized license plates, consumers want their names and images out there, not to mention that of their family members.
Just think of all the moms out there who love to put their child's photos and names in all sorts of things. All you have to do to validate this trend is go into any mall and observe all the kiosks selling items such as personalized children's books, mug, t-shirts and the like. This is where customization meets vanity to form a highly personal one of a kind product - catering to the obsession of ordinary citizens wanting ‘something’ lasting about them or their loved ones in print, audio or imagery. As Be a Bag demonstrates their is plenty of room for new ideas from creative entrepreneurs to capitalize on the personalization trend.
Here's an idea - how about personalized lunch boxes? Have mom's send in photos of their children with Shamu, Mickey Mouse or whatever and transfer the images to lunch boxes. Not only will little Johnny never bring home the wrong lunch box again, but years later, mom can embarrass him by showing the old personalized lunch box to his new wife.