Here is a perfect example of taking a popular idea and tweaking it for a niche market. Everyone has heard of the social networking site, My Space. My Space and similar sites for the Generation X crowd have proven that they are far more than a fad.
Indeed social networking has evolved beyond hooking up to consumers seeking online connections that land them jobs, find them stuff and keep them entertained. In short, social networking is about marketing too and smart marketers are taking notice.
Well now comes - a My Space style social networking site for boomers and matures. Developed by the founder of, the site even include a death alert, so members know when online buds have moved on to that space in the great beyond.
Well now comes - a My Space style social networking site for boomers and matures. Developed by the founder of, the site even include a death alert, so members know when online buds have moved on to that space in the great beyond.
According to
- A whopping 70% of all new Eons members are between the ages of 50 and 60 years old.
- 45% of new Eons members are women.
- New Eons members are most likely to be from: California, Massachusetts, Alabama, Florida & Illinois. shows us that the possibilities are endless for taking good ideas to new niche markets and as for marketing in general to boomers, Eons makes it a whole new ball game.
Note: We are just a few days away from releasing our Top 10 Small Business Blogs for the 2nd Quarter of 2006. Stay Tuned!
Hi, thanks for linking to that site. I'd never heard of it before, but I think it looks very interesting. There's definitely a market out there for social networking in the boomer set... I think that site will be very successful for a long time to come!
Posted by: TheBizofKnowledge | August 22, 2006 at 03:07 PM
Eons is actually the second Social Network for Boomers and Seniors. was launched in January with a similar mission. Jeff Taylor simply had the $10million required to make sure you all know about it.
It is about so much more than dating......... is a Free interactive online community for mature adults that want a new way to connect, communicate and share information with people with similar interests,issues and challenges. is a place where we can make new friends, reconnect with friends of old and share meaningful information about improving our quality of life as we get older.
Tell your Mum!
Posted by: Alexander Barnett | September 11, 2006 at 10:52 PM
Thanks for putting this together - this is a great article for those of us with our heads buried in the keyboard all day.
Posted by: ServPro Malibu | May 09, 2011 at 01:21 AM