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  • 60 Second Ideas spans the globe for proven new small business ideas you can tweak, borrow, copy, pilfer or simply be inspired you come up with your own profitable small business ideas or home based business ideas. Short, to the point, and lively, often in podcast format, 60 Second Ideas is "The Most Profitable Minute on the Internet."
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August 03, 2006



Very cool, hearing about the folks who started businesses late in life. Especially the KFC guy. He always looked so old in the logo, so I guess it was accurate.


I stumbled upon this site as I was in the process of doing some online research. As a Baby Boomer I'm not surprised but I was surprised at the seniors (not me!) who create their own business/inventions.


You can offer practically any kind of service using the internet. You just have to make sure there is a market for it and that you can actually fulfill job orders. Some of the most common internet jobs involve clerical jobs such data entry, performing tasks as a virtual assistant, web development, word processing, telemarketing, book keeping and others. You can work as a copy writer, be a sales representative or even become a pro-blogger. You can set up a business that targets clients in your own town or people halfway around the globe.

Thanks, John

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