Download 60secondideafeedyoursoul.wmv Today's Show Links: Working as a trader on the American Stock Exchange, while attending law school in the evenings, She began to realize her life was not her own. She turned 30 and found herself searching for a sense of fulfillment like so many others that are drawn to start their own businesses. What could she do that would capture her essence, what would make her feel alive? What would feed her soul? Links:
How about a cookie company...No she is not Debbie Fields, she is Hoboken, New Jersey's Mya Jacobson. But, what could Mya do differently to stand out other than make extraordinary cookies. Well, she started her company with three core ideas shattering. It should be something that feeds your own soul, however. Mya Jacobson loves to make cookies, has an interest in how terrific quotes and philosophies of great thinkers can change lives, and a strong desire to give back to those less fortunate. The result is Feed Your Soul - a company with a not so new product combined with a highly innovative and creative twist.