Today’s idea, Hope and Remembrance is not a new movie but is an excellent example of how tragedy can often turn into something awesome.
After the loss of her sister in law’s father and unable to find a gift that expressed her feelings, Renee Woods sketched a teardrop shaped pendant with a forget-me-not flower embedded in the design. She then had the pendant manufactured and penned a verse to go along with it. A few months later, The Comfort Company was born. Today, this mother of 4 young daughters is providing hope, comfort and remembrance for those who are grieving through a variety of unique products as a living tribute to their loved ones.
Creating a product or products around a community in need or want of something is the epitome of niche marketing. Do that and you are on the right track or should I say money track.
Renee Woods is filling an unmet need by lifting the spirits of those that are grieving. Showing us all that new ideas are all around. All you have to do it look, listen, think, and act.
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Posted by: John | October 14, 2007 at 03:50 AM